Green - Earthy - Light
Kaffir Lime Leaf Grey Goose Vodka | Marquis de Saint Loup Calvados | Vermouth | Matcha | Verjus
Topped up with Soda Water
Palo Santo Bacardi Carta Blanca Rum | Mint | Alpine Herbs | Honeymelon
Topped up with Mate
Bright Fruit - Floral - Robust
Gin Mare Capri | Cassis | Bayleaf | Beetroot | Citrus
Topped up with Pomegranate Limonade
Fresh - Spinde Fruit - Rich
La Caravedo Torontel Pisco | Pineapple | Tonka | Raspberry Ruby Port Wine
Raspberry Port Wine is replaced by homemade Fig Leaf Kefir
Playful - Refreshing - Tart
Patrón Silver Tequila | Green Shiso | Grapefruit | Clarified with Almond Milk
Topped up with Pink Grapefruit Limonade
Rich Fruit - Smoky - Cereal
Encantado Mazcal | Mango | Corn | Habanero Destillate
Topped up with Spicy Ginger Limonade
Stone Fruit - Butter - Tannin
Buerre Noisette washed Hennessy Cognac | Eminente 7y Rum | Peach | Earl Grey
Topped up with Soda & Peach Cordial
Amber - Bold - Nutty
Makers Mark Bourbon redistilled with Peanuts | Banana | Maple | Saline
Topped up with Soda & Pandan Cordial